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Skills Audit 2020 - support your sector

The Digital Skills Audit is now open and needs completing by the individuals that, like you, work within Greater Manchester’s tech and digital community.

You can fill it out, here!

The survey takes a few minutes of your time and returns long-lasting impact; forming the policies of both businesses and government stakeholders.

If you work in a digital and tech company, or hold a digital or tech-related position in a non-tech company, we need your support.

With it, the Digital Skills Audit will provide access to important research – previous year's findings have led to the creation of the region’s most fruitful talent and skills initiatives.

Complete the survey and help to develop the sector, and region’s future.

Playing your part also benefits the members of our community facing poverty; each completed survey generates a one pound donation to Manchester’s homeless charity, Mustard Tree. 

Fill out the Skills Audit, today!

Already filled it out? Encourage friends and colleagues to do the same.

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