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Quote My Car Lease chooses Ultimate as their agency for exciting digital marketing campaign.

Ultimate are ecstatic about being chosen by Quote My Car Lease for their digital marketing strategy, implementing SEO, PPC and paid social advertising. QMCL have chosen to partner with the Cheshire digital agency due to their expertise, striving to propel lead generation  and sales on their site.

QMCL are a new and upcoming car leasing company that pride themselves on focusing on providing easy and affordable car leasing options for young drivers, offering a swift response time and a useful online quoting calculator on their site.

QMCL endeavour to become the destination for valuable content to educate and inform young people about car leasing, making it accessible and easy for them. Ultimate will enable QMCL to fulfil their goal of demystifying car leasing for young people and helping them to navigate through the process, by directing users to the site through SEO and paid advertising. The extensive research that has been carried out by Ultimate has formed the content strategy which focuses on providing young drivers with information at each stage of the buyer’s journey, helping them throughout their decision process.

With Ultimate as their chosen digital marketing partner, this exciting new company seeks to to make waves in the car leasing industry. The digital marketing team at Ultimate are really looking forward to this partnership with QMCL and are currently laying the groundwork of this great campaign.

Ultimate’s Managing Director, Jon Walker, stated: “This will be a really exciting project, young drivers have such distinct queries and motivations when considering leasing a car. It’s critical that Ultimate’s digital strategy engages young drivers with content that appeals to them specifically and our in-house skills are perfectly placed to deliver this.”

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