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Can you engineer a technology cluster? The Irish experience

So I recently wrote about the idea of having a purpose-built/created technology cluster or building(s) in London which I whimsically called “TechHub”. (As London is a big city the tech scene has always been incredibly spread out, with no definable cluster). The post was inspired by my visit to the Digital Hub in Dublin, a series of old Guinness warehouses turned over to the task of stimulating Ireland’s startup/technology ecology. The post attracted possibly the most comments we have ever had on this blog (63 at the last count), some supportive of the idea, some sceptical that there is any point in trying to “engineer” a cluster. It also inspired this detailed and thoughtful post about actually running a centre like this from Channel 4’s Matt Locke. Literally at the same time - unknown to me - the Silicon Roundabout meme about the startups near London’s Old Street was breaking on the FT and The Evening Standard. Talk about timing. 

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