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Re-think if you are not selling on Amazon.

Almost 90% of UK shoppers use Amazon!

It is no surprise sellers on Amazon are seeing such a rise in their sales, when almost 90% of UK shoppers use Amazon and 40% have access to its Prime subscription service, according to research. Furthermore,  most Amazon shoppers visit Amazon at least once a month.  

It is no surprise sellers on Amazon are seeing such a rise in their sales, when almost 90% of UK shoppers use Amazon and 40% have access to its Prime subscription service, according to research. Furthermore, most Amazon shoppers visit Amazon at least once a month. 

Over the last 10 years, we have seen the phenomenal growth of Amazon. Its core focus is customer and innovation which has led to its growth. Beginning as booksellers, and now providing all sorts of products via 3rd party sellers, Amazon now makes more money allowing other sellers to sell on Amazon that it does selling themselves to customers. This alone suggests that if you are a retail business, if you’re not selling on Amazon, then you’re most certainly losing a chunk of sales to your competitors.

We have worked with various types of sellers

  1. Brands that supply to Amazon

  2. Re-sellers who source their products in the UK and abroad

  3. Brands that just want to maintain a presence on Amazon, allowing a 3rd party to use the content

Whichever category of seller you fall under, we can help you with a winning strategy. As independence Amazon consultants, we are here to give you unbiased advice based on our 10 years experience. Our advice has proven results, delivering maximum growth. Check out these case studies to see for yourself:

Case Study #1  70% + increase in sales in just a 3 month period

Case Study #2: 86% growth in sales in just 7 months.

We have a whole range of Amazon consulting services including full account management, account audits, account management, PPC set up and management, content writing including A+ and Enhanced Brand Content and cross border listing management.

We are one of the very few in the country providing services and training to Amazon sellers and agencies. Our Amazon SEO and Marketing course is now delivered at the World’s largest SEO conference, BrightonSEO and is attended by agencies and brands around the world.

If you are in need of unbiased advice and consultancy please get in touch here >

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