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This event has now ended.
17 March 2021 13:00 - 13:30

The North West Cyber Security Cluster (NWCSC) are hosting another member led event welcoming all businesses to join their monthly online members' meeting discussing all things cyber security. The topic chosen by members for this month is 'Post Brexit Data Protection' and how to deal with the impact of this.

The event will be on Wednesday 17th March at 1:00pm.

There will be a topic every month hosted by the NWCSC ready for discussion. Members can interact with each other by learning from questions and answers through the chat function and have the ability to discuss topics that are important to you.

Also, businesses based in the North West region can still sign up for the NWCSC Membership for free here.

The NWCSC is a collaborative of cyber security professionals and experts within their field. Our objectives are mainly:

  • Provide collaboration, support and networking opportunities for SMEs and start-ups in the technology and cyber security sector.
  • Educate the local community of businesses and individuals around cyber security.

The event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams Live and can be accessed with a link that will be sent out to attendees before the event .

17 March 2021 13:00 - 13:30

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