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This event has now ended.
29 April 2021 12:00 - 13:00

ThoughtWorks is a global software consultancy. With over 25 years of history, they’ve partnered with their clients to solve ambitious business problems where technology is the differentiator. With their roots in custom systems and agile software delivery, ThoughtWorks has defined the tech principles used by some of the world’s most successful organisations.

If you’re a Software Developer or Engineer with an interest in Agile Methodologies and The Cloud, and want to find out more about ThoughtWorks’ impact on the world by helping push software development forward, this digital event is not one to miss.

You’ll have the opportunity to hear from:

- Amy Lynch, Head of Diversity and Inclusivity, ThoughtWorks
- Matthew Johnston, Technical Delivery Lead, ThoughtWorks
- Lucy Fang, Senior Developer, ThoughtWorks

Matthew will be discussing how the team at ThoughtWorks are building the software behind some of the world’s most successful businesses, Lucy will be sharing her journey from being a marketer to retraining as a Software Developer and Amy will be discussing her work as head of Diversity and Inclusivity at ThoughtWorks and why it’s crucial to amplify those who go unheard and are underserved.

This session will be moderated by Phil Kell, Head of Talent, hackajob.

29 April 2021 12:00 - 13:00

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