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Synergist agency scheduling dashboard – just got even better!

We work closely with our agency customers to make sure our product stays relevant to the evolving way agencies work - so we’re delighted to share that we’ve just released one of our biggest-ever product updates!  

This update includes enhancements across the whole product, but there is a core area that we’re just giddy about - the new capacity management features. We’ve had some blush-worthy feedback from our agency customers who are using these features and they’ve been able to put them to good use immediately. Hopefully, they have the power to help your agency too. 

NEW Scheduling Dashboard for a crystal-clear view on capacity


Synergist is a complete agency management system, so the schedule is integrated with the wider agency data. This makes it easy to get a view on capacity and helps make sure you’re not over or under booking resource. 

With v12.8 we’ve taken this further with a new capacity dashboard. It gives you a view on how confirmed and tentative work will impact your capacity in the short and long-term.  

You can see available and booked time over the coming weeks and months, including when people are on holiday. This gives you a crystal-clear view on where you have time you can sell, and where the team are overstretched. 

This new functionality will also show you how much of your booked work is chargeable vs non-chargeable, another way Synergist brings financial clarity.  

(screenshot below shows booked vs capacity)


We hope you’re somewhere near as excited as us about this new functionality. You can see how our clients Copy House are flourishing by getting this long-term view on their capacity. 

As well as these updates, there are 100s of other enhancements in our new release, if you’re familiar with Synergist and want more details, you can check out the full release notes. Or if you’ve just come across Synergist, you can get an overview of the product on our website 

And if at any point you want to know how Synergist can help your agency specifically, our partners, The Agency Works, are always happy to run a demo tailored to your requirements 









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