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28 May 2020 12:30 - 14:00

In this event we'll be hearing from BJSS, the UK's leading privately-owned IT and Business Consultancy, as they tell us about their coronavirus experiences as well as doing some future-gazing; making predictions as to what a post-COVID19 tech sector will look like.

Part One - BJSS tell us what plans it had to mitigate for a disaster and whether they held up when called into action.

Part Two - We'll find out what happened within BJSS when the restrictions came into place, what decisions were made and how were they reached?

Part Three - Now it's time to look forward. In the final section before networking, we'll be finding out what changes COVID-19 will bring to BJSS as an organisation, to its clients and the industry as a whole.

Speaker Bio

Chris Morrissey, Technical Consulting Capability Lead and Squad Lead at BJSS Manchester will be running the session. Chris will be joined by a range of BJSS experts to discuss the three topic areas around future scoping.

Chris is an experienced Enterprise and Solutions Architect, Agile Coach and Scrum Master having worked in the IT industry for over 25 years. His career spanned all elements of IT solutions and transformation, starting with core software development through to Enterprise Architecture, IT Consultancy and Pre-Sales, in varied industries working with both small and enterprise clients in the Commercial, Retail, Energy, Construction, Manufacturing and Government sectors.

28 May 2020 12:30 - 14:00
Online Event

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