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How ambitious brands are getting impressive results from A/B testing

Monetate vs Optimizely Feature

A/B testing has the potential of driving the value of each website visitor by 50% when incorporated into a digital marketing strategy successfully. Unfortunately under a third of marketers finish an A/B test satisfied. This is down to the poor choice of a technology with limited capabilities and improper implementation of the feature into operations.

Making sure your organisation has a market-leading platform that doesn't require the need for a third-party CMS to perform successful experimentation testing will cut down the cost and improve efficiency. Investing in a one-stop shop that provides marketing teams tools requiring minimal training which allows organisations to learn and strengthen the relationship with their target audience will ultimately lead to the best results.

Selecting the right technology is an important task and matching the calibre of capabilities to your organisation’s ambitions and future goals is pivotal in preventing the need for re-platforming in the future. Discover what solution is right for you in our comparison of Monetate vs Optimizely as we explore the experimentation and personalisation aspects of the two software.

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