The event
This is the inaugural event of what will be an annual conference. There are now ‘technologists’ – data scientists, engineers, technology policy advisers – at the major competition agencies. As part of the conference, and for the first time we aim to bring together many of these professionals in person and hear them present on their work and its impact, in addition to talks from world-leading external data and technology experts – academics, thinkers and industry figures.
Who should attend?
The global competition and consumer community, and anyone – whether in the public sector, industry, academia or media – interested in the use of data, technology and analytics to understand and take action in digital markets.
Register now to secure your virtual ticket at CMA Data Conference – Bringing data, technology and analytics to competition and consumer protection
The conference is free to attend, and open to all virtually. It will be livestreamed via our online platform, with full interactivity.