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VCG Technology Services announces 20 year anniversary and new offers

A new campaign celebrating 20-years of success has launched today with VCG aiming to give something back to its customers, both old and new!

Axonex and Vodat International launched in 2002, and the companies recently merged to form VCG, an award-winning technology and IT transformation partner and provider of UC&C, Datacentre & Cloud, Security, Connectivity, and IT Managed Services.

The ChooseYour20 campaign will help customers optimise existing set-ups, trial, and deploy new services – all at zero cost, or up to 20% discount.

“Transforming and optimising IT with robust business continuity is increasingly challenging. With cybercrime at epidemic proportions and complexity everywhere, it’s little wonder companies need expert help. That’s what we do … our forensic knowledge of technology & IT services and the quality of our people enables us to deliver truly exceptional results. I’m really excited to be giving something back to customers – something of real value, and not just a gimmick!” says VCG’s CTO Tom Bane.

VCG invest massively in the quality of their people and they’ve developed an industry leading solutions portfolio and business capability across IT transformation, hybrid working, cloud and data management, cyber security, business continuity, and customer experience excellence.

Working with partners like Cisco, Microsoft and Fortinet– VCG has recently helped large retailers, logistics companies, financial services organisations, and the public sector to transform business operations to meet very specific and challenging requirements.

Providing a ‘bridge to the possible’ and helping business leaders identify, shape and future proof technology investments is at the core of VCG’s ‘know how’. A consultancy-based approach backed by ‘end-to-end’ and ‘full-stack’ solutions enables customers to focus on core operations in the knowledge that their IT is in great hands.

“In a world full of ‘challenges’, we challenge you to put us to the test, choose your 20 – and take advantage of our anniversary offers. Please reach out directly to me or my team for an initial conversation, we’d love to help you.” Concludes Tom Bane;


Our vision is to help organisations thrive by simplifying technology choices, transformation journeys, and digital resilience. We aim to support you in your next stage of growth, next marketplace, or IT challenge, with solutions and services that help optimise your business.

For more information about our campaign, please contact our team on

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