The North West Cyber Security Cluster (NWCSC) is under new management including; Cluster Chairman Phil Smith and CEO Robert Briggs to advise and protect businesses in the North West region against cyber threats.
The NWCSC will be hosting a re-launch event on Wednesday 20th January 2021 at 1:00pm for a brief introduction to the cluster, it’s membership benefits and guest speakers. You can get your free tickets here.
Robert Briggs will be in charge of the day to day duties of the Cluster in addition to his current position as a director of a cyber security consultancy, ‘Cyber Security Partners’. All Robert’s skills and experience are why he is a great choice to be appointed as the new CEO for the Cluster, to help aid the new approach and journey for the NWCSC to becoming successful in increasing awareness of cyber threats and the benefits members can enjoy from the Cluster.
(Above image: Robert Briggs, New CEO for the North West Cyber Security Cluster)
Phil Smith has been appointed the Chairman of the Cluster to ensure the organisation complies with legal requirements of a Community Interest Charity and its strategic vision. Phil has previous experience in the cluster which makes him a great individual to be our Chairman.
(Above image: Phil Smith, New Chairman for the North West Cyber Security Cluster)
As their first official act as Chairman and CEO, the cluster is now a not-for-profit and a Community Interest Charity, sponsoring the interest of its members. Therefore, they are now offering FREE memberships to businesses, no matter size or industry, and to academia and students. The membership will act as a cyber security resource hub for members who need extra support and advice on how to better educate their staff to be aware of the ‘signs’ of a cyber-attack attempt, have preventatives in place and many more to reduce cyber-criminal activity.
The North West Cyber Security Cluster also want to represent and support cyber security professionals, experts and organisations from the cyber security and IT industry across Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Lancashire and Cumbria.
Robert Briggs, CEO, said:
“The network of like-minded organisations, with the support of central government, will promote growth in the Cyber Security industry across the region. Access to the latest standards, guidance and connections with similar organisations will facilitate the improvement of products and services to help businesses grow.”
Phil Smith, Chairman, added:
“The North West Cyber Security Cluster has undergone some really positive changes. We are excited to move forward as a CIC and to continue to sponsor our member’s interests and help businesses grow. I am personally looking forward to meeting the businesses at the regular monthly meetings every month - even better, its free to attend!”
So, the NWCSC membership can benefit its members in many ways:
- Provide direct impartial collaboration, support and networking opportunities for Cyber Security SMEs and start-ups.
- Have a member led initiative to suit their needs through quarterly member meetings.
- Educate the local community of businesses and individuals around cyber security.
- Provide a gateway to central government to feedback on standards and to access the latest guidance.
- Events that enable networking with like-minded people to grow relationships.
These are all to help promote a cyber safe UK and North West region and protect against cybercrime.
Why not join now?
You can sign your business up for the free Cluster membership here and start to benefit immediately. Also, enjoy learning from other business like yours by attending meetings and networking with like-minded individuals, boosting your relationships and connections within the North West. Don’t forget to attend the free re-launch event and tell your friends and colleagues so they don’t miss out too!